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What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent hormonal disorder that impacts approximately one in five women and is a leading cause of female infertility.

The positive news is that for many women, receiving an accurate diagnosis and following a tailored treatment plan is the initial stride toward managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Managing PCOS effectively can lead to better control over your reproductive health.

Common Inquiries About PCOS

  1. How do Polycystic Ovaries (PCO) differ from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
  2. In what ways does PCOS impact fertility?
  3. What factors contribute to the development of PCOS?


PCOS Symptoms:

  1. Irregular or absent menstrual periods
  2. Excessive facial or body hair growth
  3. Hair loss on the scalp
  4. Acne or oily skin
  5. Sudden or unexplained weight gain


Managing and Treating PCOS

  1. Lifestyle adjustments
  2. Metformin
  3. Hormonal birth control
  4. Anti-androgen medications
  5. Addressing emotional well-being


The Influence of PCOS on Fertility and Conception

PCOS stands as a primary contributor to female infertility. Women with this condition often encounter irregular menstrual cycles due to elevated levels of androgens, or male hormones. These hormonal imbalances can hinder ovulation, making natural conception challenging. Moreover, overweight or obese women with PCOS face heightened difficulties in conceiving, whether through natural means or with fertility assistance.

Encouragingly, with appropriate treatment, about 60% of women with PCOS can achieve natural conception without the need for fertility clinic interventions.